3 Easy Ways to Cut Power Consumption in Your Small Manufacturing Business

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Regardless of what it is that you manufacture in your small business, the amount of power you use from month to month can be all-out astounding. The fact is, machinery that operates around the clock, lighting throughout the facility, and climate control in large areas are all factors that can add up to some pretty massive electricity bills every month. Keeping these costs low in a smaller business where profits are not yet at a substantial margin is the key to helping your business succeed. Here is a quick look at some of the steps you can take to help reduce the amount of power your manufacturing business consumes overall. 

Enlist the help of an industrial electrician to assess your power consumption. 

Most small manufacturing-business owners only consider reaching out to an industrial electrician when they are having issues. However, these industry professionals can offer a wealth of knowledge where conservation is concerned. They can not only give you detailed information about what machinery and equipment is consuming the most power, but they can also help you set up technological regulating equipment so you can easily keep tabs on energy consumption in your facility on your own. 

Invest in production-control equipment that is energy efficient. 

If you are like most small manufacturing-business owners, there are at least a few processes in your facility that are automatically handled through automated machinery processes. While these types of equipment can definitely cut costs and the need for human labor, they can also be electricity hogs, consuming major amounts of power over a 24-hour period. This is especially an issue with older automated equipment, so it is worth making a few upgrades in energy-efficient equipment to save money on power costs for the long term. 

Consider looking at ways your business could generate its own power. 

In some manufacturing situations, creating your own power in the form of electricity could be a possibility to consider. One small woodworking plant in Campbellsville, Kentucky recently made the news because it burns wood waste in a combined heat and power system to generate electricity to power lights and equipment. The company actually generates 75 to 80 percent of the electricity it needs to operate by using this system. Take a look at the processes within your small manufacturing business to determine whether there could be ways for you to do the same. 

Talk to a company such as Brian Thornton Sons Electric to learn more.
